Saturday, April 7, 2007

Our 2 week early spring vacation has sadly come to an end. (pictures included) Our first week was spent preparing; tilling, fertilizing, fixing fence line and all things needed to get down to the nitty gritty of actually putting little plants and seeds in the ground. There were several small side trips along the way. A day at the Houston Temple was my favorite. Our second week Jimbo planted 60 tomato plants and 24 pepper plants. He then plowed the pea patch and sprayed for weeds. Finally he hooked up his 30 year old plus planter and filled it with peas and fertilizer and down the rows he went. I think there are around 60 rows of peas. Also 4 long rows of potatoes. We already have 3 full pages of orders and those are only the ones Jimbo has remembered to tell me about. WOW, these vacations sure can wear you out!!

Now I have been assigned a new job. I am on CROW PATROL. This job consists of watching the garden in the front and the pea patch in the back. If any crows are detected I am to either go out and scare them away (does this make me a scarecrow?) or use Jimbo's 22 rife and shoot at them. Does the fun never end? It reminds me of a shooting gallery, by the time you are focused for a shot the crows have flown off. I can picture them sitting in the trees, pointing and laughing at my bad shot. I'll give updates when I have them.


Mom and Dad said...

You need a tape recorder of a shotgun. You can push a button when you see a crow. OR, how about a motion detector that activates the tape recorder???? - Becky

The Pagets in Florida said...

I think that the .22 will be just fine. Nothing like making Jimbo eat crow. he he he

Anna said...

That sounds like a ton of work! Thanks for the pictures. It sure is pretty there! That green is so bright!

Sarah said...

Your patch looks beautiful. Sounds like lots of work. But, you are the prettiest scarecrow I know :)