Monday, January 15, 2007

Well Jimbo and I don't know what a blog is but here we are anyway. Hi from farmer Jimbo and his dutiful wife and pea sheller Wendy. It's that time of year again, Wendy is loving the cold weather and Jimbo is ordering seeds and getting ready to plant 600, yes that's SIX HUNDRED onions? I don't make this stuff up I just write out the checks and try to put harvest time out of my mind. We will have about a quarter acre garden that will include of coarse tomatoes, green beans, sweet peas, squash, peppers, corn , cucumbers and don't forget the onions. That garden will be down by the road. Out back we will have 2 arces of purple hull peas. For those of you who don't know what purple hull peas are they are like gold here in East Texas. We will have orders for all we can grown and more. I can hardly wait!! Progress reports on our garden will be forthcoming.